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Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Resurrection of the "Reviews that are Done and on Youtube" Section and Ramble Time!
Hi Friends,
Well it has been a While since I posted on here but I figure I Bring you up to Speed on things. Well the Other Day I was working on the "Reviews that are Done and on Youtube" Section and when I tried to get on it today it was gone so I had to Completely Resurrect it but that Section is back. So it is back up now and edited up since I have been Busy with Newer Reviews, Redoing some Older Ones and all that Crap so here it is I just got Finish updating it:
So Time to talk about Reviews, Well I did something new in My Reviews (Besides Backdrops and Lighting) but I went ahead and did 4 Ninja Turtle Reviews and a Demo and I got to say I am very Pleased on How those Reviews turned out so feel Free to check them out. I was Completely Amazed at how the Lighting Looks in those Reviews and that's Exactly what you'll see in my Review in the Future. The Backdrop has been in my Reviews for a month now and I got to say the New Lighting has Brought more Life to my Reviews.
Well I will say this stop asking me when do I plan to get a New Camera I don't have the Money and I have been working on kinks on my Current Camera. The Camera I have is a Good Little Camera and Really in truely I don't want a New Camera. So Back off on that Question because it is very Annoying.
Now in the Future I will continue to redo some of my Older Reviews just to bring more light into my Reviews and make my Older Ones much better then before and you have to Realize I was a Rookie back then when I first started doing Reviews.
So here's the Scoop All of my Beast Machines Reviews have been Redone, The Beast Wars Reviews the Majority of those have been Redone I am making plans to redo the Rampage and Tarantulas Reviews. All the MMPR Figures Reviews are Redone all except the 50th Review. I have just Posted today the Redone Super Geki Claw Review and I will have the redone Gokai Saber Review up soon. I am making Plans to redo GouJyuJin Review just because of How long my Other one is and I want to try my Review setup on a Sentai Mecha with my Lighting and Backdrop.
Also I have been doing some work today and I have worked on the Sentai Hero Week Vinyls Reviews. The Name "Sentai Hero Week" doesn't exist no More I have edited those Reviews on the Tags, Description, Annotations and Titles so I have Kicked off Sentai Hero Week and it's a Regular Vinyl Review. You May here me talk about it on the Reviews but disreguard it.
When I did "Sentai Hero Week" a Year Ago People were Confused calling it "Bull" and Making a Big Deal on it something that I came up sometime Last February. Then People couldn't understand why would I call a Vinyl a SHF and all that Crap (Which wasn't true). I was Calling it a SH Figure because it had Sentai Hero on the Figure so I went ahead and shorten it to SH Figure. People still had a Problem so I said "Fuck it It's a Sentai Hero Vinyl Figure" just to make People Happy.
One Word of advice don't even come on my Channel calling things Bull because I will delete any Negative Comment towards me in a Heartbeat.
So another thing I will mention I have already Disabled the Rates thing for my Reviews so Please don't make me disabled the Comments I enjoy hearing all the Nice comments about my Reviews. Why do People need to hate on a Person that they don't know Face to Face.
But I am being Honest to everyone I am not the Best Toy Reviewer out there but I am really trying here. I'm always the type of Person to be everyone's Friend. I want to also Point out I am not a Stupid Southern Guy who doesn't know crap because I know more then you think.
But Anyway, Enough on all of that I wanted to say that I will try to get more Ninja Turtles Reviews up and Hopefully my Toy Stores will get more in because they have already hit my TRU and not any of my Walmarts and Targets.
Funny Story about how I got my 5 in Turtle Figures... I was in my Local TRU looking for them and I went from Aisle to Aisle just Hunting and I was like "where are they" so I passed by the Power Rangers Section and nothing so I was like okay. So then I went to another Aisle and looked up and found some of the 2012 Ninja Turtle Vehicles on the Very top of the Aisle so I was like something is up and that something was telling me I was going to hit the Jackpot. So I went to Customer Service and they were super Helpful so the Girl contack a Stocker so he went on the Cart he had all his stock on and he had the 11 inch 2012 Ninja Turtles Figures the ones that the Shells open up those weren't the ones I wanted. So I told the Guy I wasn't going to make a Another Trip there so he was like "hold on man I'll hook you up" because he was a Ninja Turtles Fan just like me. He went on the Computer and found out that the New Ninja Turtles Stuff came in Friday and I came there on a Monday after they came in so they didn't have the Ninja Turtle Section up yet and I told the Guys to make a section immedialy because of the Popularity and People will come for it. When he saw those come in Friday he told me that he wasn't sure when the series was going to air, well me I told him. I must've hung in that Store for an Hour and I am glad I did. Now I need to go back to either my Local TRU are Target and see if they have those Classic Collectiable Figure because I saw Reviews and I really like those Figures so we'll see.
Now to Sentai my Last Sentai Item was the DekaRed SHF but I am saving up right now to get Machalcon I need to get him to get my Gokaiger Mecha Collection Complete. I still got my Preorders for the end of this Month and Next Month so sentai stuff will be on the Slow side on Buying.
Well I guess that's it I did alot of Rambling and Hopefully this will keep you up to speed. So Ya'll Take Care and I will be in touch.
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