Hi Friends,
Well Tomorrow December 31, 2013 will mark the 4th Anniversary on when I activated my Youtube Channel. It's Amazing How much I have grown as a Person and a Toy Reviewer and how the Channel has grown. Usually this Time of Year before a Year ends my Anniversary of my Channel's Birth arrives. Well Next Year in 2014 my Channel will hit 5 and what do I have Plan for it not sure yet as I am unsure yet the plan as a I have year to think about it. So That's it and Please keep an Eye on my Anniversary that will be up later today before my Anniversary Happens. So Take Care!
Well Tomorrow December 31, 2013 will mark the 4th Anniversary on when I activated my Youtube Channel. It's Amazing How much I have grown as a Person and a Toy Reviewer and how the Channel has grown. Usually this Time of Year before a Year ends my Anniversary of my Channel's Birth arrives. Well Next Year in 2014 my Channel will hit 5 and what do I have Plan for it not sure yet as I am unsure yet the plan as a I have year to think about it. So That's it and Please keep an Eye on my Anniversary that will be up later today before my Anniversary Happens. So Take Care!