Hi Friends,
Well it is December 31, 2011 and before we celebrate a New Year it's time to Celebrate my Youtube Channels 2nd Anniversary.
Also before I forget I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I hope 2012 is even better for you. I will be back in 2012 with more Reviews and I hope in 2012 I will continue on what I am doing but you never know. I am looking forward to a New Year and I hope I'll see you next Year. So anyway, That is it for 2011 and one more thing...
Welcome to my Blog Friends! I needed something that will help support my Youtube Channel with Scheduling on Reviews, Update on a New V-Log, Update on a New Review, Updates on the Channel, and a Place to put my List of Reviews that I have already done. I have Links that you can Click on to some sites that I like to Visit. One of them is a Link to my Youtube Channel. So Thanks for Checking out my Blog and Please Continue to support me.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Anniversary Special is up!
Well I am sorry Friends for not Posting the Annoucement on here but I put the Anniversary Special up at 7:30 PM CST here in the US but here it is. It's a Long One but it is a Anniversary and it's worth it:
It was a 4 Day work on it it but it was worth it and I have a Special Guest so enjoy.
It was a 4 Day work on it it but it was worth it and I have a Special Guest so enjoy.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tonight My Anniversary Special is going to be up!
Hi Friends,
Well the Majority of my Anniversary Special has been recorded I got one more Part to record today. Well it is 9:30 AM here in the States on December 30, 2011 and December 31st has hit Japan like 30 Minutes Ago. So What I am going to do I will put the Anniversary Special up Tonight before December 31st hits here in the US so it'll be up before my Actual Anniversary Happens of my Channel. So Please Keep an Eye out for it tonight. Only 17 Hours Till the New Year Friends! So I will be in touch when the Special will be up. So Take Care!
Well the Majority of my Anniversary Special has been recorded I got one more Part to record today. Well it is 9:30 AM here in the States on December 30, 2011 and December 31st has hit Japan like 30 Minutes Ago. So What I am going to do I will put the Anniversary Special up Tonight before December 31st hits here in the US so it'll be up before my Actual Anniversary Happens of my Channel. So Please Keep an Eye out for it tonight. Only 17 Hours Till the New Year Friends! So I will be in touch when the Special will be up. So Take Care!
Blog Hit 2,000 Views!
Yah My Blog has hit 2,000 Views and it's been up since August 31, 2011 and it's been 4 Months tomorrow since I activated it. Thanks Guys for checking my Blog out and supporting me and my Channel.
Wow 600 Subscribers, 2 Year Anniversary of my Channel and now 2,000 Views on the Blog. Wow alot going on for me.
Thanks Guys and See you on the Next Post!
Wow 600 Subscribers, 2 Year Anniversary of my Channel and now 2,000 Views on the Blog. Wow alot going on for me.
Thanks Guys and See you on the Next Post!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Hurray for the Final Review of 2011
Hi Friends,
Well we did it the Final Review of 2011 is up and Ready. I hope you guys enjoyed my Reviews for 2011 and Trust me there is More coming in 2012. Thanks for Check out my Reviews this Year and I'll be back Next Year with more. Also 2 V-Log's are left including the Anniversary of my Channel. Check those out when they come up and Thanks for making 2011 Awesome for me.
Well we did it the Final Review of 2011 is up and Ready. I hope you guys enjoyed my Reviews for 2011 and Trust me there is More coming in 2012. Thanks for Check out my Reviews this Year and I'll be back Next Year with more. Also 2 V-Log's are left including the Anniversary of my Channel. Check those out when they come up and Thanks for making 2011 Awesome for me.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
My Final Review of 2011 Tomorrow!
Hi Friends,
Well 2011 is coming to a Close with me on the Reviews tomorrow. So it's going to be the Beast Machines Transformers Silverbolt. After that I have two V-log's Left my 600 Subscribers v-log and my Anniversary Video. So 2011 was an Awesome Year with my Reviews (Of Course besides some Issues)but it was all Fun. I'll do all my Thank you's tomorrow after the Final Review of 2011 is up on my Next Post. So Enjoy the Recent reviews that have been put up. So See you tomorrow.
Well 2011 is coming to a Close with me on the Reviews tomorrow. So it's going to be the Beast Machines Transformers Silverbolt. After that I have two V-log's Left my 600 Subscribers v-log and my Anniversary Video. So 2011 was an Awesome Year with my Reviews (Of Course besides some Issues)but it was all Fun. I'll do all my Thank you's tomorrow after the Final Review of 2011 is up on my Next Post. So Enjoy the Recent reviews that have been put up. So See you tomorrow.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Channel's Anniversary coming in 5 days!
Hi Friends,
Well I hope everyone had an Awesome Christmas I know I did. But Anyway, The Channel's Anniversary is coming in 5 days and I am currently working on some Parts for today, Wednesday and hopefully conclude it before the 30th. So this will be may last Video of 2011 as we Draw down to a Close with this Year and heading to another Awesome Year. So it's not my Last Video Period it's Mainly my Last Video of 2011. So Once I buy more shit then we'll have more fun on the Channel in 2012. So what to except in this Channel Anniversary Special, Oh just mainly a Special on the First Camera I used and my Current Camera. I'll show you my "Review Station" and my Work area. Whatelse we'll you'll just have to watch when it comes up. The time for this Video to be up will be exactly when it hits Midnight in Japan on December 31, 2011 making it still December 30th here in the States but I want this up anyway b/c Last Year I didn't do a Year Anniversary of the Channel. I will be keeping you guys Posted on everything it's nothing special like the 200th Video but it's mainly on things I use and my New Years Greetings and etc. So That's it for now take Care and I will be back with more Updates on the Coming Channel Anniversary!
Well I hope everyone had an Awesome Christmas I know I did. But Anyway, The Channel's Anniversary is coming in 5 days and I am currently working on some Parts for today, Wednesday and hopefully conclude it before the 30th. So this will be may last Video of 2011 as we Draw down to a Close with this Year and heading to another Awesome Year. So it's not my Last Video Period it's Mainly my Last Video of 2011. So Once I buy more shit then we'll have more fun on the Channel in 2012. So what to except in this Channel Anniversary Special, Oh just mainly a Special on the First Camera I used and my Current Camera. I'll show you my "Review Station" and my Work area. Whatelse we'll you'll just have to watch when it comes up. The time for this Video to be up will be exactly when it hits Midnight in Japan on December 31, 2011 making it still December 30th here in the States but I want this up anyway b/c Last Year I didn't do a Year Anniversary of the Channel. I will be keeping you guys Posted on everything it's nothing special like the 200th Video but it's mainly on things I use and my New Years Greetings and etc. So That's it for now take Care and I will be back with more Updates on the Coming Channel Anniversary!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas Friends!
Hello Friends,
Let me Start by staying Merry Christmas and here is a Nice Christmas V-Log for you guys:
Take Care and I will be back on the 27th with more Reviews. Happy Holidays and Take Care!
Let me Start by staying Merry Christmas and here is a Nice Christmas V-Log for you guys:
Take Care and I will be back on the 27th with more Reviews. Happy Holidays and Take Care!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Changes to the Review Schedule!
Hi Friends,
With Christmas on the way I have decided to do some Changes on my Scheduling. I have Change the Scheduling of the TM2 Megatron Review from Thursday and I will have it coming up tomorrow to Conclude my Beast Wars Reviews meaning 3 are schedule to come up on the Channel. The Reason why I change this is to get me Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the Day after Christmas off similiar to my Work schedule. I will be back on the 27th and 28th to do my Last 4 Reviews. I will talk more about this on my Christmas V-Log which will be up on thew 23rd. Keep an eye out for my Christmas V-Log as I will do some Nice Holiday Greetings and some Chat about stuff that has been done on the Channel. So I am truely sorry about the Change so do not expect a Review on the 22nd as I have Taken off on that day. Well That is it I'll be in touch ya'll take care and Happy Holiday's.
With Christmas on the way I have decided to do some Changes on my Scheduling. I have Change the Scheduling of the TM2 Megatron Review from Thursday and I will have it coming up tomorrow to Conclude my Beast Wars Reviews meaning 3 are schedule to come up on the Channel. The Reason why I change this is to get me Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the Day after Christmas off similiar to my Work schedule. I will be back on the 27th and 28th to do my Last 4 Reviews. I will talk more about this on my Christmas V-Log which will be up on thew 23rd. Keep an eye out for my Christmas V-Log as I will do some Nice Holiday Greetings and some Chat about stuff that has been done on the Channel. So I am truely sorry about the Change so do not expect a Review on the 22nd as I have Taken off on that day. Well That is it I'll be in touch ya'll take care and Happy Holiday's.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Beast Wars & Beast Machines Reviews & Talk on the Future.
Hi Friends,
Well tomorrow is the Start of my Beast Wars & Beast Machines Reviews. So Just like the Power Ranger Zords I will put two reviews a Day (check the schedule on what I mean).
So After Christmas I will have my Last 4 Reviews (Beast Machines Reviews) and after that the Channel should be back up to speed.
Don't forget my Christmas V-Log is going up on Christmas Eve and on December 31 is my Two Year Anniversary of when my Youtube Channel was activated so I have some Ideas so keep an Idea.
So Keep any Eye out on things I know I am making this short and sweet. Ya'll Take Care,
Well tomorrow is the Start of my Beast Wars & Beast Machines Reviews. So Just like the Power Ranger Zords I will put two reviews a Day (check the schedule on what I mean).
So After Christmas I will have my Last 4 Reviews (Beast Machines Reviews) and after that the Channel should be back up to speed.
Don't forget my Christmas V-Log is going up on Christmas Eve and on December 31 is my Two Year Anniversary of when my Youtube Channel was activated so I have some Ideas so keep an Idea.
So Keep any Eye out on things I know I am making this short and sweet. Ya'll Take Care,
V-Log up and Channel Status!
V-Log: Channel Status & Sales Thread on Rangerboard
Here's my Sales Thread on Rangerboard Please Contact me there:
Enjoy and see you on the Next Post!
Here's my Sales Thread on Rangerboard Please Contact me there:
Enjoy and see you on the Next Post!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Gokaiger will be a 51 Episode Running Sentai!
Hi Friends,
Good News I mention on the Go-Buster Post about being unsure if Gokaiger will be a 51 or 52 Episode Running Sentai. Well on HJU and Rangerboard I have Found out that we are going to have 51 Episodes of Gokaiger so Yah to our 35th Sentai it deserves this. The Last 51 Episode Running in Sentai History was almost 10 Years ago when Hurricanger Airing. So here's our schedule but I don't have the descriptions of the Episodes:
Episode 43 - 12/18/2011
Episode 44 - 12/25/2011
Episode 45 - 1/8/2012
Episode 46 - 1/15/2012
Episode 47 - 1/22/2012
Episode 48 - 1/29/2012
Episode 49 - 2/5/2012
Episode 50 - 2/12/2012
Episode 51 (Final) - 2/19/2012
So That's all and Go-Buster is Schedule to air February 26, 2012 I hope this Answers your questions and it did for me and I am going to enjoy the end of Gokaiger even though I don't want it to end. Take Care and more updates on the Channel coming up.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Well Scratch that I now have 25 Reviews to redo.
Hi Friends,
Aye so Much to do! Well I mention a Couple of days ago that I had 21 Reviews to redo well things has Change and it is now 25 Reviews. So Far Right now I have 13 Reviews already recorded 2 already on the Channel. I will try today and get the rest of the recording done since I am off from my Job so I have 7 Reviews to record and tomorrow I will get Reviews up slowly but surely. Tomorrow & Sunday I will have one a day and then Monday and so on I will do two a day. I will be working on my Channel and fixing some of the titles on some of my reviews of the Past. Also in my "Reviews that is already up on the Channel" list I will edited it and mainly the ones that are deleted I will keep in the List so. Just to let everyone know that I have scrapped a good bit of reviews on the Channel making it 19 Reviews that were scrapped but not to worry those reviews will be back up just watch the Review Schedule. So I will keep you posted on when all the recording is done. So Ya'll Take Care and keep an eye out for my updates.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
21 Reviews from the Past Being redone!
Hi Friends,
Tomorrow I will start uploading 21 Reviews that was done in the Past but with a touch of youtube editing. I have scrapped 10 Videos already on the Channel. So the Review Schedule is Updated. So here's what to expect in the future of the Retro Reviews:
Sentai Vinyl Figures Boukenger & Gaoranger Reviews
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1,2,and 3 Zord 6 Reviews
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dragon Dagger & Saba Reviews
Beast Wars Review 7 Reviews
Rockman Dash Model Kits
Rockman 8 Model Kits 3 Reviews
These are the Orders I will do them in when I upload them on the Channel. Now Tomorrow December 8 - December 15 will be getting at least 10 Reviews Up and take a two week Break to focus on my 2 Year Anniversary. More Videos will be scrapped until I get done recording so be on the look out for the future and in hope getting the JyuKen Forever Channel in the right Path.
Take Care,
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Tokumei Sentai Go-busters The Next Sentai
Hi Friends,
On December 1, 2011 we got the Leak on our Next Sentai so here are Pictures of the 36th Sentai:
Tokumei Sentai Go-busters

I know I am 4 Days late but I needed to update my Blog like Pictures, Toy Releases and this on our new sentai. This New Sentai is set to Air on February 26, 2012 at 7:30AM in Japan. So By the looks of it Gokaiger is Possibly going to be a 51 are 52 Episode Running Sentai depending if they take the New Year Holiday off. The Suits on the Go-Busters I am not 100% Sure on it I guess they'll grow on me in time.
So Here are Pictures of the Items and Mechas (Please click on them for a Larger Version):

So That is it I wanted to have this on my Blog anyway to say most of the sites already have the Pictures. So Let's enjoy Gokaiger while we can b/c we only have 2 Months left of this awesome sentai before our new one hits the Airwaves.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Shinken Red & Shinken Gold Reviews are up!
S.H. Figurarts Shinken Red:
S.H. Figurarts Shinken Gold:
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